
Cathedral of Junk, No-Show Bats, and the Burger Bar
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Cathedral of Junk, No-Show Bats, and the Burger Bar

For having lived in the state of Texas for over 35 years, this was my first time in Austin, and even now, it was only a half day stop on the way to somewhere else. Having only the late afternoon and evening hours with two of my kids, I tried to make the most of the time, and hopefully make a photo or two along the way.

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A Quick Trip to Galway, Ireland - Part 1
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

A Quick Trip to Galway, Ireland - Part 1

For a quick trip to Ireland, this ended up being a long post, so I’ve split into two. This first post is more of a photo blog. The second is more about my thoughts on food, lodging, and other things you might want to know if you visit Galway.

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The Taxidermist’s Daughter - A Stage Play
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

The Taxidermist’s Daughter - A Stage Play

Wylie High School Theatre had their one and only public performance of Kate Mosse’s The Taxidermist Daughter, the stage play for UIL (University Interscholastic League) competition. The performance was intense. Intense enough that I became uncomfortable taking photos of some scenes. That of course means, the cast and crew did their jobs very well indeed.

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New Gallery - Beauty and the Beast
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

New Gallery - Beauty and the Beast

The Wylie High School Theatre production of Beauty and the Beast was simply magnificent! The cast and crew pulled out all the stops and wowed sold-out audiences over four days. I did my best to capture the essence of their performances and have posted some of my favorites in my new Beauty and the Beast gallery.

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The Dramatic Side of Beauty and the Beast
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

The Dramatic Side of Beauty and the Beast

Tomorrow is opening night for Wylie High School’s production of Beauty and the Beast. There’s a lot of humor, singing, and dancing, but without revealing too many spoilers, I thought I’d just post a few photos representing the dramatic side of the stage play. Due to the high demand, and nearly selling out the first 4 shows, they’ve added a 5th. So, if you hurry, you might be able to grab the last remaining seats!

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Wylie ISD’s 2023 Combined Orchestra Concert
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Wylie ISD’s 2023 Combined Orchestra Concert

The Wylie ISD Orchestra program has seen tremendous growth in the last few years, and that is easy to see in these photos of the 2023 combined concert. A packed gym floor of Orchestra students played to packed gym risers. The orchestras of Davis Intermediate, McMillan Junior High, and Wylie High School each played their individual pieces, and then joined in concert to play “Ode to Joy” by Beethoven.

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Fall Color in the Northern Plains of Texas - Part 2
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Fall Color in the Northern Plains of Texas - Part 2

It is always great to visit with family over the holidays, eating good food, catching up on life events, and sharing a good laugh but after a few days of being cooped up indoors, I enjoy a good photo walk to get some exercise, soak up the sunshine, breath some fresh air, and look at beautiful world God has provided for us. Lots to be thankful for.

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Fall Color in the Northern Plains of Texas
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Fall Color in the Northern Plains of Texas

Living in the north central plains of Texas, we don’t get a lot of Fall color. So, you have to hunt for it and be happy with what you get. Yes, there are a few Oaks and Maples, but it’s mostly Locust, Pecan, various scrub trees, and, well, poison ivy is actually very pretty in the fall. After all, beauty is where you look for it.

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Photographing Fireworks
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Photographing Fireworks

Last year, on the 4th of July, I made my first attempt at photographing fireworks. I had no plan, did no research, and just went for a walk and tried to take photos of some fireworks in the distance. It was a complete failure. This year was different

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Nikon AF Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 D
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Nikon AF Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 D

This gorgeous 85mm prime was produced in the mid to late 1990s, and in order to autofocus this lens, it requires the camera body to have a focus motor, which the D780 does.

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Onion Blossoms
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Onion Blossoms

Unlike many other flowering plants, onions, when they blossom, are unpredictable. Their shapes are whimsical, and at times, chaotic.

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Black and White Nature Photography
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Black and White Nature Photography

In my previous post, Fields of Gold, the thing that drew my attention, pulled at my heart, and made me long to take those photos, was the color; vast fields of yellow. In this post, color did not draw me in. It was the sparkle of fuzzy stalks of grass and the serenity of a black and white moth alighted on a white flower.

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Fields of Gold
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Fields of Gold

A field of yellow flowers stretched out over a quarter mile! How can you resist?

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Ladybugs and Onion Blossoms
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Ladybugs and Onion Blossoms

I took a wander down and into a new location today, fields of yellow flowers drawing me in. Those photos will come another day, but in the meantime, a different kind of wonder and beauty caught my eye - ladybugs and onion blossoms.

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Dallas Arboretum with the D780
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Dallas Arboretum with the D780

My wife and I spent the morning at the Dallas Arboretum. It was the first time I’ve been able to get out and shoot with my D780, and I’m very happy with the quality of the images coming out of the camera!

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The Last Nikon DSLR - A Jewel of a Camera
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

The Last Nikon DSLR - A Jewel of a Camera

After the release of the Nikon Z6 Mirrorless camera, Nikon pulled one last DSLR hurrah, the D780. It is a DSLR photo/video hybrid that enables DSLR shooters to shoot how they are used to, but when switched into Live View, it acts like a Z6, at least in speed and functionality.

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