Black and White Nature Photography

There will always be arguments in photography about color vs black and white. I believe neither is superior to the other, they are both tools used to communicate a message, the photographer's message. Most of the time, when I choose to publish a photo in color, it is because the color is either the subject of the photo or because changing the photo to black and white detracts from why I took the photo in the first place; because it changes the meaning. Most of the time, when I publish a photo in black and white, it is because the subject of the photo is shape or light or shadow, and the introduction of color detracts from the reason I took the photo in the first place. In my previous post, Fields of Gold, the thing that drew my attention, pulled at my heart, and made me long to take those photos, was the color; vast fields of yellow. In this post, color did not draw me in, it was the sparkle of fuzzy stalks of grass and the serenity of a black and white moth alighted on a white flower.


Onion Blossoms


Fields of Gold