Photography Blog

Bob Woodruff Park
I got lost in a new park the other day…

Nikon AF Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 D
This gorgeous 85mm prime was produced in the mid to late 1990s, and in order to autofocus this lens, it requires the camera body to have a focus motor, which the D780 does.

Onion Blossoms
Unlike many other flowering plants, onions, when they blossom, are unpredictable. Their shapes are whimsical, and at times, chaotic.

Black and White Nature Photography
In my previous post, Fields of Gold, the thing that drew my attention, pulled at my heart, and made me long to take those photos, was the color; vast fields of yellow. In this post, color did not draw me in. It was the sparkle of fuzzy stalks of grass and the serenity of a black and white moth alighted on a white flower.

Fields of Gold
A field of yellow flowers stretched out over a quarter mile! How can you resist?

Ladybugs and Onion Blossoms
I took a wander down and into a new location today, fields of yellow flowers drawing me in. Those photos will come another day, but in the meantime, a different kind of wonder and beauty caught my eye - ladybugs and onion blossoms.

Dallas Arboretum with the D780
My wife and I spent the morning at the Dallas Arboretum. It was the first time I’ve been able to get out and shoot with my D780, and I’m very happy with the quality of the images coming out of the camera!

The Last Nikon DSLR - A Jewel of a Camera
After the release of the Nikon Z6 Mirrorless camera, Nikon pulled one last DSLR hurrah, the D780. It is a DSLR photo/video hybrid that enables DSLR shooters to shoot how they are used to, but when switched into Live View, it acts like a Z6, at least in speed and functionality.