Photography Blog

Shakespeare in Love
On March 8, 2025, Wylie High School Theatre had their one and only public performance of Shakespeare in Love, their chosen stage play for UIL (University Interscholastic League) competition. After their first competition performance, they finished 1st and will advance to the next level!

The Taxidermist’s Daughter - A Stage Play
Wylie High School Theatre had their one and only public performance of Kate Mosse’s The Taxidermist Daughter, the stage play for UIL (University Interscholastic League) competition. The performance was intense. Intense enough that I became uncomfortable taking photos of some scenes. That of course means, the cast and crew did their jobs very well indeed.

New Gallery - Beauty and the Beast
The Wylie High School Theatre production of Beauty and the Beast was simply magnificent! The cast and crew pulled out all the stops and wowed sold-out audiences over four days. I did my best to capture the essence of their performances and have posted some of my favorites in my new Beauty and the Beast gallery.

The Dramatic Side of Beauty and the Beast
Tomorrow is opening night for Wylie High School’s production of Beauty and the Beast. There’s a lot of humor, singing, and dancing, but without revealing too many spoilers, I thought I’d just post a few photos representing the dramatic side of the stage play. Due to the high demand, and nearly selling out the first 4 shows, they’ve added a 5th. So, if you hurry, you might be able to grab the last remaining seats!

Wylie ISD’s 2023 Combined Orchestra Concert
The Wylie ISD Orchestra program has seen tremendous growth in the last few years, and that is easy to see in these photos of the 2023 combined concert. A packed gym floor of Orchestra students played to packed gym risers. The orchestras of Davis Intermediate, McMillan Junior High, and Wylie High School each played their individual pieces, and then joined in concert to play “Ode to Joy” by Beethoven.

“A Night Under the Stars” - 2023 Wylie High School Theatre
A few photos of the 2023 production of Tracy Wells’ “A Night Under the Stars.” These photos are from a single vignette titled, ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place,’ directed by Erick Cestelos.

Anatomy of Gray
Opening night of the Wylie High’s Fall production of Anatomy of Gray. So proud of my son who had the lead male role!

Wylie High School Homecoming Parade
Photos of the 2023 Wylie High School Homecoming Parade