Yellow, Black, and Grey

I would like to say, thank you, to the architect responsible for this building design.

I won’t tell you the purpose of this building because when it comes to photography, that is immaterial. I will say, however, that number of photographic opportunities this building provided was disproportionate to its usage, and it just proves that things can be both functional and beautiful.

When postprocessing this photo, I had a hard time determining which I like better the vertical photo above or the horizontal crop below.

Immediately after cropping it to the horizontal version above, I thought, “Yeah, this one is much better!” 30 minutes later, after looking at it a few more times, I found that I like it so much, I wanted more of the yellow and black, and the vertical version filled that visual need.

Moving over from the stairwell, I found other photographic goodies. The photograph below is particularly satisfying, making that side of my brain that loves symmetry set off fireworks!

Second, to the photo above, this last one is also a favorite.

If you like these, you should look up Chris Toombs over on Vero (@thefacesofacity). His “Urban Fragments” are fantastic.

BTW, yes, I do know that even though I am American, I use the UK spelling of “grey.” I have always preferred it to the American “gray.”


Motion Blur


Simon d'Entremont, Thank You.