
Fields of Gold
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Fields of Gold

A field of yellow flowers stretched out over a quarter mile! How can you resist?

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Motion Blur
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Motion Blur

Inspired by Juan Fernando Arboleda (@jufarbol on Vero), who is starting a motion blur project, I took an opportunity while waiting for an appointment, to try my hand at it. The photo above is by far my favorite of over 200 taken on this day.

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Yellow, Black, and Grey
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Yellow, Black, and Grey

I would like to say, thank you, to the architect responsible for this building design.

I won’t tell you the purpose of this building because when it comes to photography, that is immaterial. I will say, however, that number of photographic opportunities this building provided was disproportionate to its usage, and it just proves that things can be both functional and beautiful.

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