Ernst Haas - One of My Favorite Photos

I had a birthday recently and one of the gifts I received was the photo book, Ernst Haas: New York in Color 1952-1962, published by Prestel. I’ll post a more comprehensive review soon, but for now, I wanted to post one of my favorite photos from the book. Don’t get me wrong, I very much enjoy the entire book and love many of his more colorful photos. I just found myself coming back to this one.

And yes, I do get the irony that one of my favorite photos in a book about color photography is mostly monochromatic. But that is how art is, different works appeal to different people in different ways at different times. Something that I started to realize about myself in the last several weeks is that this aesthetic is particularly appealing to me. Whether it is this photo by Ernst Hass, some of the works by Desiree Dolron, or certain forms of ikebana, a Japanese style of flower arrangement, like this image I discovered on Pinterest. Maybe I’m just at the age where simple, contemplative things appeal more to me than the contrary.

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