Photography Blog

Ketchikan, AK
For us, Ketchikan was a day of stories. Our story of a run-in with two black bears, stories of a hawk who is scared of his prey, stories told in totems, and more. If any of that sounds interesting to you, click through!

Hubbard Glacier, AK
Trying to take photos of the Hubbard Glacier and the surrounding landscape was a bit of a challenge, but it was glorious! A cutting wind was blowing off the glacier, throwing water and ice directly at us and my camera and lens.

Skagway, AK
Soon after arriving in Skagway, we attempted one of several self-guided nature walks. We ended up biting off more than we could chew but before turning around, we were thrilled to experience some gorgeous landscapes, interesting conifers, and several varieties of moss and lichen that I have never seen before.

Juneau, AK
Whale-watching, Mendenhall Glacier, and beautiful mountain scenery.