Photography Blog

Fall Color in the Northern Plains of Texas - Part 2
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Fall Color in the Northern Plains of Texas - Part 2

It is always great to visit with family over the holidays, eating good food, catching up on life events, and sharing a good laugh but after a few days of being cooped up indoors, I enjoy a good photo walk to get some exercise, soak up the sunshine, breath some fresh air, and look at beautiful world God has provided for us. Lots to be thankful for.

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Fall Color in the Northern Plains of Texas
Stiles Watson Stiles Watson

Fall Color in the Northern Plains of Texas

Living in the north central plains of Texas, we don’t get a lot of Fall color. So, you have to hunt for it and be happy with what you get. Yes, there are a few Oaks and Maples, but it’s mostly Locust, Pecan, various scrub trees, and, well, poison ivy is actually very pretty in the fall. After all, beauty is where you look for it.

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