On Stress and Waiting

I found myself in a situation today where 30 minutes of waiting turned into an hour and a half, and then stretched into three and a half hours. There was nothing I could do about it. It was out of my control. Since I was expecting the situation to be resolved quickly, I did not take anything to work on. However, learning my lesson about bringing my camera with me, I was able to step away from the situation for a few moments.

Photography isn’t just a way to pass the time for me, it also is one outlet for dealing with stress. It is a way to stop repeatedly iterating over an issue. It is how I let my mind rest.

It is in these times when I allow myself to be in the moment, feeling the sun and wind on my face, capturing beauty with my lens, that I can slip into a creative space where stress begins to melt away.

It is just me, my camera, and something beautiful that I would have never seen had I not taken the time.

Then, when this time ends, I can return to the issue at hand with a clearer mind, better equipped to think of creative solutions.




The Americans by Robert Frank