A Busy Month

I realized today that it has been a month since I’ve posted anything. The delay has nothing to do with a lack of fun things to share, but a lack of time. It has been a busy month, personally and photographically. At the beginning of May, I photographed a 4-day corporate event and then had to review thousands of photos from both myself and another photographer. I have a backlog of photography book and new gear reviews. I have thousands of photos to review, cull, edit, and post, including related blog ideas, all from my recent trip to Alaska. In addition to those, I have some photos and experiences to talk about from a headshot session I did this weekend for 37 sitters of a local community acting group.

Until I’m in a position to post about all of the activities mentioned above, here are some quick smartphone snapshots from the flights to Denver, CO, and Anchorage, AK. To sum it up, I was impressed with Colorado until I saw Alaska.

Flight to Denver, CO

Flight to Anchorage, AK

This last image communicates a great deal about Alaska. In the foreground are clouds, which appear to flow between the mountain peaks and seamlessly become snow. In the middle, those rivers of snow splinter off into multiple glaciers, stretching out for hundreds of miles; every 100 feet of snowpack eventually compacting into only a few inches of glacier ice. And, in the background, clouds spring up, covering the mountains again.


New Headshot Gallery


Bob Woodruff Park